The first time I heard the term; "Boudoir," I had no idea what it meant.
By definition; "Boudoir" is defined as a woman's dressing room, bedroom, or private setting. I decided to film in a private setting; that being a modern, up-scale luxury hotel.
I feel that women should take pride in their appearance. Have you ever took into account that society does not hold us women to the same standards as they would a man? When it comes to women, every single detail matters. We want to be remembered and acknowledged for the good qualities about us. Moreover, in today’s world; it is extremely important to make a good, first lasting impression on the people we may encounter.
For this particular (Boudoir) photo shoot, I decided to go with the color red. Red symbolizes a number of things- life, health, war, courage, anger, and love. The definition goes on to state that red is the color of heightened emotion, strength, and power. I had matching stockings and high heels to compliment my red lingerie. I felt sexy. I felt powerful. I felt in control.
A lot of inquiring minds wandered what kind of message I was trying to send by taking almost nude photos. I want to point out that women, the female form, is God's creation. We are beautiful inside and out, and we should never have to alter who we are, just to fit in to this mold that society has imposed on us. Being natural, being sexy, and most importantly; being yourself is ultimately the true gift of beauty and self-worth.
It doesn’t matter what you wear, how your hair looks, or what kind of make up you have on. You are unique in your own way. Please don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. It took me a long time to get over my embarrassment of being completely nude around people. And in someways; I still am very self-conscious. What I know now is that women come in different shapes and sizes, and we should have nothing to be ashamed of.
I learned how to be comfortable with my body, and comfortable in my own skin. I believed in myself. I don’t have to cover up or hide my imperfections.
Just think about all you have to offer the world!