Behind the Scenes (BTS)


I have to admit that I feel that there are some people who choose to see things "one-sided." We are often presented with something specifically from one perspective and point of view. Imagine if you had an inside look on what actually takes place behind closed doors? In doing so, that will provide you with more of an understanding of the world if we are able to experience firsthand how things come to be what they are.

Throughout this web portfolio, in which I explore the importance of inner beauty and self-worth; I will introduce you to to a variety of different behind-the-scenes photos and videos of me post and pre-photoshoot/videoshoot. I find it quite interesting how all of the small factors contribute to a bigger picture.

Keep reading for an inside glimpse!

I am just getting started as all of this is still fairly new to me. I have waited patiently for years to discover my own platform and manifest the opportunity to create ever-lasting memories. It is my pleasure to share it with all of you!

Look forward to future photography and videography (behind-the-scenes) sessions to come.

It is truly is an incredible experience and I encourage everyone to take advantage of it!

Derry, New Hapmshire @ Camygraffystudios (January 2021)

Derry, New Hapmshire @ Camygraffystudios (January 2021)

