How my Journey Began

Hello Everyone!

​My name is Knottia Carrigan (knot-ti-a) and welcome to my online web portal for photos, videos, and behind the scenes (bts) content.

I graduated with honors from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in English: Writing Communications & Rhetoric. I am a freelance writer, blogger, and aspiring model. Originally from one of the best cities in America-and the world, Boston, Massachusetts.

Somewhere down the line, I lost sight of what was important- my well-being. For years, I pretended. I pretended to be content- I was taught to keep a smile on, to be cheerful, whitty, and beautiful. Deep down inside, I was breaking down more and more each day. Struggling to find my place in the world, I was headed down a path of self-destruction. Until one day, everything changed. I was given a second chance at life.

I am so excited to have the opportunity to share some of my experiences, and I invite you to provide any feedback. This is something that I have always wanted to do- create a digital platform that explores inner beauty and self-worth. 

How do we feel comfortable in our own skin, in our own bodies? How do we fit into this mold society has imposed upon us? We have to ask ourselves; how do we remain positive/optimistic through all of the turmoil and angst?

​What you see here represents hard work and dedication, as I thrive through difficult, yet creative challenges along the way. 

​With each photo, I learn a little bit more about myself, and the world. 

​The great thing about my web portal is that content is totally free to view at your own leisure. On the other hand; I feel that when someone says "A picture is worth a thousand words," it's a cliche. I'd like to think that a photo just as well tells a story. Let's capture amazing moments and unforgettable memories!

​Each and every experience is a part of who I am today. With that being said; here's my story...

​If you are interested in learning more, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

​Any questions/concerns, it is my pleasure to chat!  ​

 I look forward to meeting you!

“Let’s create the best version of ourselves.”

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.