How my Journey Began
Hello Everyone!
My name is Knottia Carrigan (knot-ti-a) and welcome to my online web portal for photos, videos, and behind the scenes (bts) content.
I graduated with honors from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in English: Writing Communications & Rhetoric. I am a freelance writer, blogger, and aspiring model. Originally from one of the best cities in America-and the world, Boston, Massachusetts.
Somewhere down the line, I lost sight of what was important- my well-being. For years, I pretended. I pretended to be content- I was taught to keep a smile on, to be cheerful, whitty, and beautiful. Deep down inside, I was breaking down more and more each day. Struggling to find my place in the world, I was headed down a path of self-destruction. Until one day, everything changed. I was given a second chance at life.
I am so excited to have the opportunity to share some of my experiences, and I invite you to provide any feedback. This is something that I have always wanted to do- create a digital platform that explores inner beauty and self-worth.
How do we feel comfortable in our own skin, in our own bodies? How do we fit into this mold society has imposed upon us? We have to ask ourselves; how do we remain positive/optimistic through all of the turmoil and angst?
What you see here represents hard work and dedication, as I thrive through difficult, yet creative challenges along the way.
With each photo, I learn a little bit more about myself, and the world.
The great thing about my web portal is that content is totally free to view at your own leisure. On the other hand; I feel that when someone says "A picture is worth a thousand words," it's a cliche. I'd like to think that a photo just as well tells a story. Let's capture amazing moments and unforgettable memories!
Each and every experience is a part of who I am today. With that being said; here's my story...
If you are interested in learning more, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!
Any questions/concerns, it is my pleasure to chat!
I look forward to meeting you!
“Let’s create the best version of ourselves.”