I’m not Afraid

Overall, I want to thank the Creator of Heaven & Earth, Jesus Christ. I am truly blessed and thankful to wake up every day and experience the joy of life!

I am far from perfect; in fact, I have made plenty of careless decisions. I don't have any regrets. The trials and tribulations I endured have shaped me into the woman I am today.

People are going to quit on you- you have to get up every day and make sure that you don't quit on yourself. Ask yourself; Are you willing to put in the work? Do you want to achieve your goals? It starts with you. Right here. Right now.

My journey is just beginning and I will continue to stand tall and strive for greatness! I have come too far to turn back. I learned that having the ability to look beyond your past, and accept your future as a present is the true gift of life.

I am intelligent! I am courageous! I am beautiful! I am ME!


Beauty Begins the Moment you Decide to be Yourself


From Darkness to Light